Nicola Gatti
Ph.D. Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence / Politecnico di Milano
Nicola Gatti is a full professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. His research activities are grounded in the Artificial Intelligence area. His main achievements come from algorithmic game theory, allocation problems and incentives, algorithmic social choice theory, multi-agent learning, and online learning. His contributions to these fields range from new algorithms and theoretical results to experimental analyses, implemented systems, and innovative real-world applications of AI techniques. He published more than 170 peer-reviewed archival research papers. He received several awards, including the 2011 AIxIA Marco Somalvico Award as the best Italian young researcher in AI, and the best paper award in several conferences, including the prestigious NeurIPS 2020 and Cooperative AI 2021 funded by Google Deepmind. He was elected as a EurAi Fellow (top <3% of the European AI scientists) in 2021 and awarded at IJCAI 2022.